Tadaaaaaaa * jingle * The triumphal I promised and I am a man of his word! So .. even if very small (30 pictures or something) this update closes the parenthesis university!
In the last episode:
- Engagement of Tori and Lili
- Nicole And with Shiva, the mascot o_O
- Betrayal, lust and madness!
How is life in Ursula, our No. 1 heartthrob?
= _ = Well lacked only more hatred in this legacy!
While our heartthrob No. 2 Nicole, made merry on a good girlfriend
Odde O_____O WHO 'COSTUIIIII?? * Zoom *
... I mean ... I love it O_O But who is he?
Tori: Lady, when she did it for the first time it was the first or the second Punic War?
SignoraBancone: * * grabs the pot threatening
But this dorm is full of wonderful people, seriously O_O This other is a genius ... but Tori did not seem happy!
I did not express more, they are cursed puppets pixels amoral (and here the fever hit)
Nicole: MarĂ² c 'fet \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;(This joke was in Martina Franca, XD my dialect)
're a finesse disarming ...
..... And with that .... URSULA QUINCE O_O This is just WRONG!
Speaking of things that are wrong and immoral ....
AHAHAHAHAHAHA A____A There will be fun!
Shiva: You're a bitch! But it was the gardener, you did with the old!
Shiva: No! Wait! I can change!
And this is really from Oscar XD Note that the butler has already identified the next victim XDD
Ugh! You can not always get my attention on you that way! Do something!
Ursula: Come eaglet sweet to me!
Eaglet: Eww ... I do not do these things!
.... Ah. Really?
Searching clement Sims player or Psychologist is fine equal to heed this somewhat morbid violence. For more information contact no to my phone.
But finally came the end of this damn University! Day and peace ^___^
Balli ^____^
Chatter ....
Plant! ^___^
One moment ... tears?
Here's a little something to explain ... the lot of the dormitory was going slow, and crashed for a while ... when it is back to normal SPRRRONG a feel of what the game is produced when first discovered as a betrayal.
At first, I thought of Ursula, who else could it have been? It was not her. Nicole control. No, not even her. Irma and Seth even control but nothing.
Who was he?
You know that fuckin cows that sometimes come and kiss your Simmini without notice? Well, Lilian in this case was the victim ;___; Tori ... and Seth ... Irma .. have seen everything! And blacks were all super pissed off with Lilian, although I think the poor thing has not really wanted.
Anyway ... I admit, I cheated and I re-fall in love Tori and Lilian ..
I do not ... but I like them together too.
Now the problem is ... Irma and Seth ;____; Expect hate hate hate hate \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;
But we care in the next update! Because the UNI is over!
... and update XDDD (final with suspense, eh?)
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