Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wedding Program Thank You Wording Spanish

clouds and sorry if this is not scientific

One of the reasons why I hate is that psychoanalysts according to their theoretical orientation is the therapist who has all knowledge, while the patient is being treated. I, as a good student of psychology, I always warn all psychologists believe they can not learn anything from their patients.
Salvini said that the patient is the only true expert himself, and for this reason a good psychologist should never assume the right to think they know more than him. I totally agree.

Good psychologists formulate hypotheses, not theories. Good psychologists put the welfare of those in front of him before their faith in the method. I listen and listen good psychologists. And ask questions, many questions, all those they consider necessary, because they are curious and want to know all of the other person, the way he thinks and how he feels. It can be frustrating for those around him, I know, but if you were born with this passion can not help it. Good psychologists do not give anything for granted, there is nothing for them "futile" in what the other person is or thinks. Their goal is one, always do everything possible to improve the quality of life of the person who stands before. Words such as "disease" and "healing" should be used as little as possible, because in reality there are many more. The labels are useful to a certain point, so people are still all different, and you must be careful to never put the textbooks before the facts. The much criticized at times common sense is simply common sense and a good psychologist should always have a good supply with them.
Good psychologists also ask themselves constantly, are always looking for the "whys" that drive people, dismantled with the same passion for children who want to see how they are made in their toys, and with the same simplicity. Observed without claiming that all pictures to perfection, without absurd to formulate theories just to get back the accounts.

I was little I opened the video. The disassembled and reassembled all the time, watched the mechanisms, the tape, wheels ... It promptly did not understand, and puts them back together when then no longer worked.
My grandfather taught me to look into things, and when I grew up, I decided to want to look inside people. Have not yet become a good psychologist because I still have a lot of things to learn, but I know for sure what I will not ever stop doing.
I guess I'm lucky because I realize what are the people who teach me something, regardless of the position he held. Tonight when I got home I realized that for the first time in a long time I felt like when I came back after training in the hospital two years ago. I missed that feeling of dying, it was great to find it.
My tutor taught me so much time, but this training makes me feel exactly the same way, although I will not be the person who will sign the papers that from which I learned something important.
There are four little "monsters" in this home-family tell me something new every day. Something that makes me think so much about myself, about my character, my life, about who I am and what I want to be. They are wonderful people, and I know he'll bring me back forever, just like my tutor. I have a special place reserved for persons in my life have taught me something important to me.
not find anything beautiful nor useful at training, meetings and in the endless reports in the form of dialogue, I'm sorry. On the other hand, I learn more things about myself, others and the world in the past hour to prepare a cake with E. and V.

After 2 weeks of training supervised by the girls the family home, here are the things that I proposed again to learn to do:
1) "Do not be exploited" - Y. -
2) "Do not be Paraculo" - V. -
3) "If someone is a pain, send him to fuck off" - D. -
4) "Say hello to the kids!" - E. - (Why, dear players, the irony will be a great strategy, but the laugh is the thing that makes you feel good)

Studying people can take away the most important thing : spontaneity. L'ho persa anch'io, chissà come, chissà quando, e non me lo perdono. 
Stasera mentre facevo l'idiota in cortile per far ridere i bambini alla finestra mi sono resa conto che il mio lavoro dovrebbe essere esattamente così: E. piegata in due dal ridere e i bambini impazziti di gioia che ballano davanti al vetro...
E scusate se tutto questo non è scientifico.


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