Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How Many Calories Are In A Barbecue Sandwich

Quince The Legacy - 4.2

As promised, another update of mega-recovery for Quince ... maybe someone has noticed what is taking place today ... right! Today is exactly one year that there Quince!


How wonderful, I'm really happy that after a year, between high and low, are still here to play ... and are nearing completion as the eighth generation was born yesterday (yes!)

Call to talk, you will find an image commemorating the end of the update ... after!

last episode
- Differences between Lilian and family in-laws!
- Birth of Emerson, and Jewell Hale & Tyreek twins!
- Death of Seth = (
- Emerson Jewell and teenagers, the twins toddler.

To start, small image pucciosa of Tyreek ^ __ ^

Jewell seems to have taken everything from her mother ... and the poor is another attacking Irma!

While our Emerson decides it's time to find someone to play with!

And get this ... blond named Daryl

giuovani The two like each other right away and decided to commemorate the encounter with a beautiful picture ....

... a kiss ...

and healthy Fiki-Fiki xDDD Yay!

Emerson Oh dear me! All this could Fiki-Fiki ruin my skin!

Meanwhile, the twins are growing ever more anonymous (and ignored by me xD)

E Jewell decides to set fire to the house xD (this is the first ...)

And the children are growing increasingly addicted xD

Irma, after all, is the undisputed queen of the house ù.ù

Irma suddenly decides to give her favorite grandson, Tyreek, a. boh .. can not remember xD Anyway gives him something ...

After a hug ...

leave this world and reaches the dear departed ;______________; My Irmaaaaaaaaa!

We farewell to Irma, Heir to the second generation ... Irma hello, you were one of the most symmetrical born in my game; _;

... After his death, it is best to set a bell'incendio -.-

Guilt Butler -.- I knew it!

After the departure of her mother, Tori decides to get a nice Mid-Age Makeover! Complete with bag lady ...

.... And back to his old passions: singing and toys with erotic Lilian xD

While the teens are given alcohol;)

E Jewell (with a brufolazzi xD) we try a little chap. ..

And the company can!

Well, yes. The Quince reach the record of four birthdays in one go -.-

Here are the twins!

Quince Hale
Become Fantaman
4 - scruffy
7 - Extrovert
8 - Active
7 - Playful
1 - grumpy

Tyreek Quince Achieving Success

their golden wedding
4 - scruffy
1 - Shy
10 - Active
7 - Playful
3 - grumpy

And here is our pair of this generation in old age ^ __ ^ always remain pretty true?

Meanwhile, our Emerson, who entered the military career, immediately able to reach the highest position!

And Tori begins to write a book!

After a bit 'of time, Quince moved into that little house that I created ^ __ ^

Tori is quite satisfied by my set ^ __ ^
Tori: welcome!

And now arrived in the house is now time for a birthday!

These are usually small group of relatives xD

And here is our wonderful Emerson as an adult =)

now calls her boyfriend Daryl nice ...

who moves from Quince!

Subitissimo the two are busy ....

damage and efforts pay off! POP!

comes another damn birthday in this update!

And here it is .... truly wonderful. Yes, that's why Emerson and Jewell are twofold heiress of the fourth generation! Surprised you? xD

So the twins, in their anonymity, he left for college adventure! We'll see in updating spares!

Meanwhile, between a pop and other things, Emerson makes the big step!

The two sisters have always been in harmony between sweet and them, as someone pointed out these photos ^ __ ^

Jewell decided to rely on the advice of the Gypsy to find a hubby!

Well well, I agree fully!

It also seems to appreciate the Jewell maroon =) (Which, just for information, his name is Patrick!)

and it was love \u0026lt;3!

But at some point ....

Boom. No, do not ask me why. Daryl and Lilian hate each other. And they would kill the bad is that ... so do xD

Daryl: KILL!
Emerson There's something wrong ....

Emerson EXCUSE ME! Shoefleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

STOP! In the name of Chas xD We're going a little bit too velocino XD Oh well the update is finished, go in peace! I leave you with this commemorative imagine the anniversary of the legacy = DA soon!

the Quince Viva!